Saturday, March 8, 2014


All At Once

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I lost my motivation. Oops.

No, I've got this. *stares at screen* *holds breath* *plays with earwax*

 I don't got this.

 I've designed the covers for the next stories (including a few sequels!) I just need to yank myself out of this funk and get back to writing. Okay, okay, here I go. (Picture me doing something dramatic like jumping out of an airplane here.) (Wait, if I was off writing the stories I wouldn't be here on this blog, would I? I have been found out! RUN!)

 *(In creative writing I was taught never to use 'suddenly' 'all at once' or any other phrase indicating suddenness. In a flash I began using them just to be contrary.)

Update: Okay, I've got the new story started FOR REALSIES. It's about race cars. Yeah, a bit of a divergence from the paranormal stuff, but I think it's pretty fun. Also apparently I'm declaring Friday and Saturday to be my weekend from daily story uploads, so it'll be up tomorrow morning and there will again be stories every day the rest of the week. *satisfied nod*

Now that that's settled, who's up for some more procrastinating?! (What do you mean I still have to write the rest of the story? Geez, shouldn't there be story elves to do this part or something?)