
Monday, November 3, 2014



So I'm redoing some things and making some decisions. Also, hunting giraffes. They are a willy prey but I will bring them down. (I don't know why I typed that, it's a lie. I'm sorry.)

Anyway, expect lots of new short stories from me very soon under lots of new genres. I mean, it'll all be erotica, so maybe I should say sub-genres.

Maybe I'll even update this website to reflect these new things. Wouldn't that be crazy?

We'll see.

(Winner of the vaguest blog update ever goes to....)

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Box Set and New Things!

The box set of my early short stories is now live, along with a brand new short! Woohoo! You should be able to find them on my author page on amazon. Too tired to add more updates right now. Get off my lawn!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Relaunch, Sort of

Okay, I haven't published anything in a while. I'm trying out a couple new things now. They're stuck in review on amazon at the moment, but I'll start updating the website when they start showing up. I've got a couple of contemporary stories I'm putting up! Whaaatttt! 

I'll also start sending messages to the mailing list again. I've even got my first bundle coming out... when amazon approves it! I'll also be playing around with kindle unlimited to see if that gets me any traction. I might pull down the old stuff from other sites. Or not. Haven't decided yet. 

This post is so informative. 

Okay, okay, I won't post again until I have real news. Like, my stuff finally comes out of review and publishes. Off to go grumble about slow review times over coffee....

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Past Midnight

Wait, did the time change yet?

I finished off the covers for the next ten stories and updated the banners. Decided to just put up six banners. I'm thinking about having the banners just be for the upcoming stories. I'll take them down as stories go up and put up new banners.

For any who are curious about my method: I find covers help give me inspiration and story ideas, so I make the covers and title the stories before I write them. That's why the descriptions are un-helpful. I honestly don't know what the stories are about yet. I just saw and picture and went, "Ooh, that looks like something I want to write."

(I mean, I'm also just really bad at descriptions. But you probably knew that already, didn't you?)

Saturday, March 8, 2014


All At Once

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I lost my motivation. Oops.

No, I've got this. *stares at screen* *holds breath* *plays with earwax*

 I don't got this.

 I've designed the covers for the next stories (including a few sequels!) I just need to yank myself out of this funk and get back to writing. Okay, okay, here I go. (Picture me doing something dramatic like jumping out of an airplane here.) (Wait, if I was off writing the stories I wouldn't be here on this blog, would I? I have been found out! RUN!)

 *(In creative writing I was taught never to use 'suddenly' 'all at once' or any other phrase indicating suddenness. In a flash I began using them just to be contrary.)

Update: Okay, I've got the new story started FOR REALSIES. It's about race cars. Yeah, a bit of a divergence from the paranormal stuff, but I think it's pretty fun. Also apparently I'm declaring Friday and Saturday to be my weekend from daily story uploads, so it'll be up tomorrow morning and there will again be stories every day the rest of the week. *satisfied nod*

Now that that's settled, who's up for some more procrastinating?! (What do you mean I still have to write the rest of the story? Geez, shouldn't there be story elves to do this part or something?)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Vacation's End

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With no more vacation days left (weep for me) I was forced to return to the day job today. Ah, well. I managed to finish Captured by the Vampire and I need to be asleep three minutes ago in order to get up for the day job tomorrow.

Anyway, I've uploaded Vampire so it's live on Smashwords and pending everywhere else.

In other news, my stories went free on google play! Woohoo! That only leaves Amazon and Barnes & Noble refusing to follow suit. Will wait and see how that turns out.

I'm getting pretty excited about trying out All Romance, but I'm pretty exhausted from work and I wasn't kidding about that needing sleep thing. (Damn shift work.) So, yeah. Maybe tomorrow, or maybe this weekend.

My biggest plan for this weekend is to write a longer story on Saturday and *gasp* actually charge money for it. Don't worry, it won't be much money. Sadly, the bank does not accept my hopes and dreams as payment and I need to keep up with the mortgage somehow.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


A Bright New Day

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The links are all live, the email is sent, the story is up! Woohoo! There's still plenty of pending vendors, but hopefully it'll show up before I confuse them further by uploading the next book. This week promises to be exciting. :)

Edit: It's now live on Barnes & Noble, linked on the book page. Yay! Google Play says it's live but I can't find it anywhere and there doesn't seem to be a way to get to the book page from the dashboard. So it theoretically exists on google. *awkward shrug*

I'm about 500 words into the new story. Breaking for lunch, chugging some liquid energy (yup, coffee) then getting back to it.

Update: And the new story is done and being uploaded! Woohoo! Also, I've decided I want to make my first four stories free instead of 0.99. So you can now get Captured by the Alien free on smashwords. I've also set Kobo to go free. We'll see if Amazon and Barnes and Noble price match. (If you want to help out, you can go on the book page and report lower price.)

Emails will go out to subscribers as soon as Captured by the Blurk goes live. It's a really short one, but I think it's pretty fun. I'll see about getting that one free as well.

I really like updates: Annnddd... finished with all the uploading and making free that can be done. You can currently get the second story on smashwords, and theoretically the first one is free on google play. Don't ask me how to find it there because I certainly can't.